4 Seriously Important Repairs You Should Make Before Selling a House

4 Seriously Important Repairs You Should Make Before Selling a House


The median price of a home in the United States is nearly $300,000. That number continues to inch upwards despite the economic recession of 2020.

If you’re a person that’s looking into selling their home, high home prices are great news for you. To cash in on the upmarket though, you’re going to want to make sure your property is in acceptable condition.

That brings us to this post’s big topic—understanding important repairs to make before selling a house.

While your house doesn’t need to be pristine to sell, by taking care of a handful of “deal-breaker” issues, you can ensure you attract solid offers.

Curious to know what important repairs you should prioritize? Keep reading to find out!

1. Bad Electric

When people tour your house, they’re going to expect the lights to come on when they flip a switch. They’re also going to assume that turning on your basement light won’t present a fire hazard.

To meet those expectations, make sure your home’s wiring is in good shape before putting your house on the market.

Depending on where your electric problems lie, getting a quick assessment, and repairs from a local electrician shouldn’t be too expensive.

2. Roofing

Bad roofs can be a hassle to fix and will ruin your home’s curb appeal. Both of those realities will turn off prospective buyers fast when they tour your home.

Furthermore, roofing issues will be one of the first things property assessors will look for so don’t assume you’ll be able to sneak leaks past buyers during dry seasons.

Hopefully, you can patch and polish your existing roof. Deeply flawed roofs may need full swaps which can easily cost tens of thousands of dollars.

3. Foundational Issues

A bad home foundation will disqualify almost all of your prospective buyers from purchasing your house. That’s because no matter where you’re selling real estate, lender financing deals will not invest in homes with bad foundations.

Hopefully, your home’s bad foundation features small cracks that can be patched. More serious issues can turn into black holes of spending that may not be worth solving.

In those cases, you may have to sell your house as-is to an all-cash buyer.

4. Plumbing

Similar to electric, buyers expect sinks to run when they open up faucets. If they don’t, even if the issue is minor, prospects will worry that plumbing issues are systemic and will likely shy away from making an offer on your home.

Avoiding that problem is as easy as calling in a plumber to assess your plumbing health and to fix low-hanging issues. If you have bigger problems like pipe leaks, these will be discovered during home inspections so you may want to add those more expensive items to your important repairs to make before selling a house list.

Managing Important Repairs to Make Before Selling a House Saves You Money

The idea that spending money on home repairs would save you money may seem counterintuitive. Believe us when we say though that damaged houses lead to damaged offers that usually set you back more money than it would have cost you to solve your home’s issues in the first place.

We hope our list of important repairs to make before selling a house helps you sell for top dollar. If you’d like more insight on your biggest real estate questions, explore more content in our blog.


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