6 Differences Between General Contractors And Construction Managers

6 Differences Between General Contractors And Construction Managers


General contractors and construction managers are very similar, but they are two separate roles in the building industry. A general contractor is an individual that manages a group of subcontractors and performs all of the planning, design, contracting, and supervision of a specific project. A construction manager controls this entire process on behalf of the owner of a client project site. This article will discuss the difference between a general contractor and a construction manager.

1. Price

In the long run, you’ll end up paying more. The price of construction is what determines how much money you’re going to lose.

The construction managers will charge you a fee for his services and keep track of the project from start to finish. He’s responsible for getting everything done on time and within budget. The general contractor will hire subcontractors to handle the job, so he won’t be responsible for overseeing every detail. He’ll work with the architect to design your home’s layout and then handle any other changes that need to be made.

If there are problems with one of these men, he has two choices: He can fire them both or do it himself. In either case, he will have expenses that weren’t included in his initial estimate of the job’s cost.

If you’re hiring a contractor and paying him by the hour or by project, you’re only paying for his skills and experience at that time. If you’re hiring a general contractor with a team of subcontractors working under him, you’re paying for those extra costs and any profit he makes from each job.

2. Responsibilities

Construction managers manage and supervise all aspects of a construction project. They should be able to identify problems and decide how to solve them. Construction managers also oversee the project’s budget, schedule, and quality control.

General contractors are primarily responsible for managing subcontractors and other vendors involved in the construction process. General contractors are also responsible for hiring workers, assigning tasks, monitoring their progress, and ensuring they complete their work on time.

3. Legal Rights

In the United States, the legal rights of general contractors and construction managers are similar to those of architects. However, there are some differences.

General contractors have the right to be compensated for their work promptly. They can also hire subcontractors and other professionals such as engineers and architects. General contractors are responsible for maintaining insurance coverage for their subcontractors and employees and checking prospective subcontractors’ references.

Construction managers have fewer legal rights than general contractors do. Construction managers are not required to obtain an architect’s license or other professional designations before starting a job site. Many states do not require construction managers to have any license at all! The only requirement is that they have experience working in construction or related fields for at least one year before starting a new job site.

4. Experience and Knowledge

The main difference between general contractors and construction managers is their experience and knowledge. General contractors have been in the business for longer, while construction managers are younger and more experienced than general contractors. General contractors have more knowledge about the different aspects of construction, such as architecture, engineering, and construction law. Construction managers usually have less experience than general contractors, so they might not be able to handle complicated projects with high risks.

Construction managers might work as subcontractors on more extensive projects if the project has high risk or complexity. General contractors are responsible for the entire job from start to completion so that they can manage these high-risk projects very well.

5. Management Style

General contractors and construction managers are the same things. The only difference is that general contractors are more likely to work with other trades, whereas construction managers focus on managing their projects.

Construction managers are responsible for managing the entire project from start to finish. They provide the necessary resources and complex coordinate tasks with multiple vendors and subcontractors. Construction managers can oversee all facets of a project, from planning to budgeting, as well as overseeing many of the day-to-day activities of construction professionals.

General contractors focus on individual projects rather than entire projects. General contractors often work with architects, engineers, surveyors, and other trades on a single project. Still, they do not manage the whole project from start to finish as a construction manager would.

6. Risk and Control

A construction manager is a specialist who oversees the design, procurement, and management of a building project, while the general contractor is responsible for the overall management of the project.

When you hire a construction manager, you can be assured that your project will be in good hands. The general contractor will oversee all aspects of your project and manage its progress relating to building permits, permits required by zoning authorities, site development plans and other elements necessary for your project to get underway.

Construction managers manage all aspects of their projects from start to finish. They ensure a clear plan for each step of the construction process and work with architects and engineers to ensure that the plans are carried out accurately. Construction managers also oversee budgeting and scheduling so that they know exactly how much money they need to spend on any given aspect of their projects.

Wrapping Up

There are many differences between general contractors and construction managers, but the best way to differentiate between them is to look at their functions. As a general contractor, you handle all aspects of the construction project in-house. This could include hiring subcontractors, ordering materials, managing timelines, checking off specs and schedules, and other activities outside construction. On the other hand, a construction manager is an outside party who handles all these elements while also overseeing progress and keeping tabs on the general contractor. There are some companies out there like EJD Construction & Contractors that can handle both job roles. Working as both a general contractor as well as a construction manager for buildouts.


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