8 Common Home Theatre Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

About 75 percent of Americans go to the movies at least once a year. Many more are considered frequent movie-goers.
That’s changed this year. Even as movie theatres open up again, many people are deciding to just stay home.
As a result, more people are interested in a home theatre. You can install one for a couple grand and experience the magic of the movies in your own home.
Of course, you’ll want to make sure you get the set-up right. Avoid these eight home theatre mistakes and you’ll be ready for a cinematic experience you won’t soon forget.
1. Selecting the Right Screen Size
One of the biggest home theatre faux pas is saying “bigger is better.” While you might think that a bigger screen will automatically improve your home theatre, that logic doesn’t always add up.
Different screen sizes will work in different rooms.
You probably know the dangers of picking a screen that’s too small for the room. It will be overwhelmed. Everyone in the audience will likely find themselves squinting at it.
A screen that’s too big can also cause problems. You may not be able to comfortably view the entire picture. It could also overwhelm a small room, making it feel claustrophobic or forcing everyone to sit too close.
Give some careful thought to what your room can handle. You’ll be well on your way to a better home theatre experience.
2. Forgetting to Attend to Lighting
Home theatre lighting is an important, but often overlooked aspect of your set-up.
One of the most common oversights is the natural lighting in a room. You may think you want to put your home theatre in your living room or family room. If the room has ample natural lighting, that could cause problems for the viewing experience.
Strong sunlight in the afternoon might make it difficult to see the screen. Light at sunrise or sunset can cause glare.
Your best bet is to install the theatre in a room with no natural light. That way, you can have full control over lighting at all times. If this isn’t possible, then be sure to add a feature such as automatic blinds or window coverings.
Lighting itself can also impact the viewing experience. Dimmer switches, floor lighting, and more could help you recreate a true movie-going experience. It can also help maximize the screen.
3. Think about the Space Itself
If you thought about lighting, then you’ve thought a little bit about your home theatre room itself.
Another common oversight in this arena is not thinking about the acoustics of the room. Some rooms are set up in such a way that sound echoes. That could be a problem in a home theatre.
Other rooms may block or muffle sound, which may make it harder to hear the soundtrack. You may find yourself cranking the volume, even with surround sound.
Finally, you may want to invest in soundproofing. That can improve the acoustics in the room, as well as keep unwanted noise out. It may also help prevent complaints if you like to stay up late watching movies, while everyone else has gone to bed.
4. Home Theatre Mistakes with Sound Systems
Sound systems are one of the most common areas for home theatre mistakes. Should you install speakers in the ceiling? What about placement for optimal surround sound?
Even the types of speakers matter when it comes to getting the most out of your new theatre system. Make sure you put extra thought into this aspect of your home theatre.
5. Don’t Get Your Wires Crossed
If you’re creating a home theatre, you should be ready to invest in a screen, speakers, and more. Don’t neglect the wiring for all this equipment.
There are two important aspects of wiring to consider. The first is making sure you have the right cables and wires to get everything hooked up. Many people forget this, then find themselves going over budget or using the wrong wires.
The other aspect is considering where the wiring will go. If you forget about this, you’ll end up with an unsightly tangle of cords and wires all over your room. That can be a tripping hazard, in addition to not being very nice to look at.
Take some time consider wire placement and be sure to budget for the right wiring.
6. Take Control of the Control System
How will you control your home theatre? You’ll want to think about a system to turn the lights up and down or to adjust the volume.
You can go low-tech with a remote system. You can go to the high-end with a professional-grade control system.
Either way, make sure it’s installed properly and works with all your other tech. Otherwise, the control system may cause you headaches for years to come.
7. Be Sure to Talk about a Budget
How much thought have you given you home theatre budget? You can create an effective home theatre for around $2,000. Other theatre set-ups will cost more than $30,000 by the time all is said and done.
Many people come into a home theatre project without having thought about their budget. They often end up overspending.
Others come in with a budget that’s too small for what they want to do with their home theatre. They try to cut corners or overspend.
Either way leads to disappointment. You either spend too much or you don’t get the home theatre you want. Careful research can help you work out a budget that gets you as close to your ideal home theatre as possible.
8. Not Calling in the Professionals
Finally, installing a home theatre system can be simple or it can be quite complex. The more elaborate your plans, the more likely it is you’ll need a professional helping hand.
Don’t be afraid to call in the professionals when you need them. They can assist with everything from optimal design to wiring your new home theatre system. Getting the help you need will cost you less in the long run, and it will help ensure your home theatre runs perfectly.
Design Your Dream Home
If you’re thinking about upgrading your home theatre, then you’ll want to give careful consideration to each of the points here. These common home theatre mistakes can do a lot more than ruin the movie magic for you and your family.
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