Why You Should Check Your Roof At Least Once Per Year

Why You Should Check Your Roof At Least Once Per Year


The roof is one of the most important structures of your home. It protects the interior from the outer world is vital in upholding the structural integrity of the building. However, it can be easy to neglect your roof, simply because it’s out of sight and out of mind. Here are a few reasons why it’s important to check your roof at least once per year.

Prevent Routine Aging

Like anything else, over time your roof is subject to wear and tear. The roof is especially vulnerable, because it’s not protected by any structures, and if there is ever a problem, it can cause serious issues in your home. The normal lifespan of a low slope roof is about 15 years to 20 years. The older it is, the more frequently you should have it inspected. Over time, you may have to replace shingles or perform other routine care. IKO roofing has products available to help if you are a DIY home improver looking to do some routine maintenance.

Assess Storm Damage

The roof is your home’s only barrier of protection in the event of a storm. Therefore, it’s important to inspect it annually to assess any damage. It’s much better to notice any damage and take the appropriate measures to fix it, than wait until it becomes an issue. Replacing your roof can get expensive, and you’d rather nip it in the bud than let things fester. Common signs of roof damage include missing shingles, bruised or dented asphalt shingles, cracked or broken tile or leaks, and dents in vents, gutter, or flashing.

Check the Drainage 

Drainage is another important element of a healthy roofing system. Gutters can often get clogged or damaged in a storm, which can lead to excess liquid pooling on the roof and causing leaks or damage. Checking your gutters routinely is another important aspect of roof maintenance that you should keep an eye on if you own a home. If you are considering a roofing renovation project, or you need to make routine repairs, the IKO roofing team has resources available and products in stock to help you get the job done.


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