Tata Tiscon 550sd Flat 1% offer

Tata Tiscon 550sd Flat 1% offer


 Building a dream home

is an aspiration for many. It takes a lot of research and hard work to bring your plans to fruition and transfer a design from a blueprint to reality. The quality of a house lies in its foundation and it is imperative that the best building materials go into that. Neglecting the foundation or using anything but the best material available is short-changing yourself as it would be a case of being penny-wise and pound-foolish. Never compromise on the foundation when you are building your dream home. Here is where Tata Tiscon comes in. Their 550 SD steel rebars are the best in class and will ensure that your home is solid from the inside for decades to come.

The super ductile Tata Tiscon 550SD is simply the best in the industry and ensures perfect construction. It has the quality assurance that comes with the Tata name. It is India’s first GreenPro-certified rebar. It has been manufactured using cutting-edge technology with virgin iron-ore and pure steel. It has enhanced load-bearing capacity because of its formidable strength and ductility apart from being earthquake resistant.

What are the stand-out features of Tata Tiscon 550 SD? 

Higher Strength leads to Higher Savings –

How does that work? If the rebars have a higher load-bearing capacity, you can use fewer rebars or reduced diameters for a predetermined load. Tata Tiscon 550 SD can easily carry the design load without any cracks in the structure. Optimization of the design helps to reduce steel consumption. You can end up with up to 6% savings on the steel quantity usage.

Extra Ductility improves Safety Standards-

The improved ductility levels raise the earthquake resistance potential of the 550 SD rebars. The minimum UTS/YS ratio of the 550 SD rebars is >= 1.15 which matches IS 13920 of 2016. This gives the structure higher earthquake resistance. It offers a minimum total elongation of greater than 16% which is higher than IS 13920 2016 which prescribes 14.5%. The total elongation at max force is around 5% which matches IS 1786 2008.

Eco-friendly products are the need of the hour-

Tata Tiscon’s 550 SD rebars have the distinction of being India’s first GreenPro certified rebars. The sustainable manufacturing practices adopted by Tata Tiscon have ensured that the environmental impact of the rebars is minimized. The GreenPro Ecolabel offered by Tata Tiscon helps you to make informed decisions as a conscientious citizen who cares about the planet.

 Where Quality is never compromised –

These 550 SD rebars are backed by the Tata guarantee of quality. You will get this product in pieces of accurate length , diameter and weight with absolutely no inconsistency. 

Convenience of e-shopping –

When you shop for Tata Tiscon products on Tata Steel Aashiyana you enjoy the unmistakable comfort of a one-stop home building website that makes your house construction journey so enjoyable. You will get everything you need for your dream home from exquisite innovative designs, verified expert service providers, material estimators and online purchase of all building materials under one roof. You can do all this from the comfort of your armchair!

More Reach –

Tata Tiscon has a network of more than 6000 dealers across the country. This ensures that you get free delivery within municipal limits and enjoy a hassle-free delivery experience.

Special Offer on Tata Steel Aashiyana –

Tata Tiscon has now come up with a limited period offer of a flat 1% off on all purchases of 550 SD rebars on Tata Aashiyana. That gives you one more reason to choose Tata Tiscon 550SD rebars for your dream home. Doesn’t it?

Final Take

If you want your dream home to stand strong and withstand the test of time and the vagaries of nature, make sure you use superior building materials in the foundation. Give the foundation the unshakeable advantage of Tata Tiscon 550 SD rebars and let your dream house shape up exactly the way you want. Buy Tata Tiscon 550 SD rebars today on Tata Aashiyana. A saving of 1% can go a long way. After all, money saved is money earned. If you are looking for building materials for your dream home, look no further. Visit https://aashiyana.tatasteel.com/ today and build your dream, brick by brick with Tata Tiscon 550 rebars. You will not regret your choice and your wallet will be happy with the 1% you save.



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