The Green Guide to the Renewable Energy Types

Renewable energy is something that should concern each and every one of us.
As we become more aware of the harm we’ve done and do to the planet on a daily basis with our widespread use of fossil fuels, it’s clear that we need a cleaner, greener future. It might feel like a daunting task to take this problem on individually, but if we all make small steps to use renewable energy, we can make sweeping changes.
Today, we’re going to give you a quick education on some of the main renewable energy types. The more we can use these in lieu of fossil fuels, the more we can each lower our own carbon footprint and make a huge impact as a whole.
1. Solar Power
Solar power is the easiest and most effective way for individuals to cut down on their carbon footprint. By installing a solar panel on your house, or even purchasing a portable solar panel, you’ll not only be using more renewable energy, but your bills will decrease to the point that you’ll end up saving thousands in the long-term.
There are solar farms all over the country now, so all you need to do is Google search, “solar providers near me” and you’ll find options. Purchasing your own panel is a big up-front expense, but as we said, you’ll break even and save money over time.
2. Wind Energy
Wind energy is such an obvious thing to move towards in certain parts of the country, yet it remains underutilized. It currently accounts for about 7% of energy generation in the US, but if you live in a flat, windy area, there could be a windmill farm there.
The mechanics are simple: wind moves the turbines, which feeds an electric generator that gives off energy. There are no pollutants involved whatsoever, making it the perfect renewable energy resource.
3. Hydroelectric Power
Hydroelectric power uses a similar concept to wind energy. Instead of the wind blowing and creating energy with windmills, hydroelectric energy uses the force of moving water to perform a similar function.
Whether it’s via a large, fast-moving river, or a waterfall, the force of the water moves the turbine’s blades and energy is created. Hydroelectric is currently the largest renewable energy source in the world.
4. Geothermal
Geothermal heat is heat that comes from beneath the earth’s crust; energy that’s been trapped there since the beginning of time. We see this energy escape from time to time in the form of volcanic events or geysers. By capturing the steam that comes from this geothermal heat and using it to power turbines, we can tap into a seemingly endless resource.
This is far less common than hydroelectric, solar, or wind power, but there’s a ton of potential with geothermal if we can figure out an affordable way to harness it. Cost is a huge hurdle here, as the infrastructure is pricey to build at the moment.
Understanding Renewable Energy Types
Making the effort to understand the different renewable energy types is a crucial step in going green. There are steps you can take to involve things like solar power in your daily life, but others might feel impossible to personally take advantage of. However, when you realize how simple using renewable energy is, you can start to think about how to apply it to your life and politics and huge changes can occur.
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