House Cleaning: 4 Tips for Disinfecting Your Fabric Couch

House Cleaning: 4 Tips for Disinfecting Your Fabric Couch


Taking good care of your house and everything in it should always be your top priority. When it comes to cleaning some items at home like the sink, mat, couch, and windows, you want to ensure you are doing the right things to avoid collateral damage.

Well, you can seek help from one of the top Denver house cleaning company. If you are looking for some DIY tips on cleaning and disinfecting your couch, you are definitely in the right place.

Stay put for some fantastic tips on how to clean your fabric sofa at home.

1. Clean all stains on notice

The first trick to taking care of your sofa, mat, and furniture is acting fast when you notice any stains. Cleaning the dirt on the couch as soon as you notice will prevent the stain from setting on the sofa, making it difficult to remove.

Most tuff stains on your couch result from delays in cleaning. That said, you should always practice cleaning your sofa at least twice a week, and every time you notice stains like spillage and pet droppings.

2. Stick to the couch cleaning code

If you have a fabric couch, you must stick to its unique cleaning code to avoid damaging it. Most fabric couches will come with cleaning codes such as S, W, and S/W. The abbreviation ‘W’ mean you should only use water-based products to clean the couch. Alternatively, the symbol ‘S’ mean you should only use solvent-based products when cleaning the upholstery.

Always check out the cleaning code for your fabric couch before shopping for detergents. This way, you give your couch and sofa a longer life.

3. Disinfect with baking soda

Baking soda is a useful and affordable cleaning agent for almost every type of fabric. When you sprinkle baking soda on your fabric coach, you loosen all the stains and remove your fabric couch’s odor.

To use baking soda, you have to mix it with water in equal proportion and allow it to rest for at least 15 minutes before you can start applying it on the couch.

When the baking soda loosens all the stains on the couch, you can use a brush attachment to vacuum it up. You should always apply baking soda on tuff stains before using other alternative cleaning products for your couch. Also, ensure you are not that ‘rough’ on the sofa when brushing it.

4. Dry clean with a soft towel

After cleaning your fabric couch with baking soda and other cleaning products, you can proceed to dry it with a soft towel. Use a dry towel to plat down and soak all the wet areas on the coach and dry it overnight on air. Do not spread the couch cover until it dries up completely.

Final Thoughts

When cleaning your fabric couch, you must follow all the guidelines for spot treating. Use only the recommended cleaning agents to remove the stains. Always get to the stains on time and clean them the right way to protect your fabric couch.


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