Spring Home Maintenance Tips

As spring is just around the corner, it’s finally time to come out of hibernation in our home and begin to enjoy the lovely spring weather. But as the warmer season approaches, it’s important that we begin to pamper and preen our properties so that they function in the changing season. Here at We Buy Any House, we have compiled our top home maintenance tips for spring.
Have a Look at Your Roof:
The winter months can be harsh on the exteriors of our house, and in particular the roof on our property. Throughout the snowy, windy and rainy months, your roof can take a beating- so when Spring comes around, it’sa good idea to take a look at it and prepare it for the warmer months. The first thing to consider is how you are going to safely get onto the roof to see its condition- and it’s important to ensure that your roof is safe enough for you to climb on. Following that, it’s important to inspect for these three things:
- Cracks in the roof tiles.
- Signs of leaking in the roof.
- Any damaged shingles.
- Consider removing any stains, such as algae or moss.
Clean the Gutters:
After the colder months have passed, the next important task for you to complete is to clean your gutters on your property and ensure that any downspouts have been repaired. If you don’t ensure that your gutters are cleaned, then the eaves can rot- which may make access for critters and bugs to enter your attic. Seeing to this issue early is beneficial as you are able to free up the space for any spring rains, so that no water or debris begin collecting around the base of the property.
Inspect the Concrete:
It’s important to take a walk around your home and inspect the concrete surrounding your property. Before the spring season comes, it’s vital that you fill in any cracks in your property with silicone caulk or any concrete fillers.
Check for Signs of Termites:
Throughout the months of May to June, the tiny, winged termite insects tend to swarm and seep into cracks in the property that are around wood. It can be a huge issue if they’re not dealt with property, so it’s important to seal up any wood but check for any signs of termite infestations beforehand.
See to Your Outdoor Wildlife:
Before spring comes into full bloom, it’s a good idea to check on your plants and see how they’re doing. If you want to have lovely plants for the summer months, then it’s a good idea to begin looking after them while springtime is around the corner. This way, you can replant, add more flowers or neaten up your flowerbeds just in time for the summer months to come around.
This article was written by a quick house sale company We Buy Any Home. If you’re wondering “how can I sell my house fast?”, head to the We Buy Any House website for more information relating to all property related enquiries.