Weather Damage in and Around Your Home

Weather Damage in and Around Your Home


Weather damage is one of the most prominent damage concerns that you might have in your home. If you’re worried about issues with weather damage, there’s one good thing to keep in mind: if you prepare for weather damage, chances are that you’re going to maintain your home’s structural safety and stability in a way that will make your home much more even. Here’s what you need to know about your home’s structural strength when it comes to weather damage.

Mother Nature vs. Your Home
Created By: Foundation Recovery Systems

The 10 Most Damaging Weather Events in the United States Since 2010

One interesting thing to do is to look at weather events that have occurred all throughout the United States. When you know that other homeowners have dealt with the problem and come out on top, it’s much less likely that you’re going to end up with serious weather concerns Since 2010, here are the most damaging weather events that have occurred.

  1. Hurricane Harvey – $131 Billion – 2017 – Texas
  2. Hurricane Maria – $95 Billion – 2017 – Puerto Rico
  3. Hurricane Sandy – $74 Billion – 2012 – Northeast United States
  4. Hurricane Irma – $52 Billion – 2017 – Florida
  5. Heat Wave and Drought – $32 Billion – 2020 – United States Nationwide
  6. Hurricane Michael – $26 Billion – 2018 – Florida
  7. Western Wildfires – $25 Billion – 2018 – California
  8. Hurricane Florence – $25 Billion – 2018 – North and South Carolina
  9. Western Wildfires – $19 Billion – 2017 – California
  10. Hurricane Irene – $16 Billion – 2011 – Mid-Atlantic Coast

All of these things except for a few elements of fires and heat waves were hurricanes. Hurricanes can be a serious concern all through the home, largely because heavy winds and serious issues with water are both actually a serious problem. It’s a good idea to take a look at these weather events next time you’re thinking about weather problems in and around your home so you know a bit more about how weather develops into something important.

The Most Common Weather-Related Damage That Impacts American Homeowners

Weather-impacted damage impacts homeowners in a variety of different ways. There are many different weather-related damages out there, like these:

  • Drought – Landscaping Damage and Forest Fires
  • Lightning – Home Fires and Electrical Damage
  • Water – Flood Damage on Both the Interior and the Infrastructure
  • High Winds – Structural and Foundational Damage
  • Hail – Roof and Window Damage

Of all these damages, however, high winds are likely the most damaging. Around a quarter of all homeowner’s insurance claims have something to do with a high wind. Even if you were never managing high levels of wind, it’s always a good idea to keep this concept in mind.

Methods You Can Use to Protect Your Home From Extreme Weather

So, what can you do to help your home stay safe from extreme weather problems? The good news is that there are actually many things you can do to keep your home safe. Here are a few of them:

  • Sump Pump With Backup Battery
  • Windproofing With Roof and Window Upgrades
  • Hurricane Shutters
  • Fire Resistant Planting Materials
  • Flood Prevention With Home Retrofitting
  • Home Maintenance
  • Waterproofing With Proper Insulation
  • HVAC System Service
  • Smoke Detector Testing and Maintenance
  • Foundation Inspections

Some of these are things you can do at home, while some of them are things you’ll need to talk to an expert about. However, no matter what you’re dealing with in your home, it’s important that you’re keeping your home safe and secure, and that’s exactly what this list does.


Maintaining your home from damage is nothing if not confusing. However, it’s also important to remember that there are many reasons a home may experience damage. If you ever experience any type of weather damage, it’s simple: just be kind, be thoughtful, and immediately address it before it causes serious concerns.


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